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DEFECTOSCOPE-COILED-TUBING apparatus for inspection of coiled tubing

Development of AO NPF GITAS with PAO GAZPROM

is used for inspection of coiled tubings (CT) technical condition in units.


  • displaying internal and external defects of CT in real-time;
  • measuring and displaying diameter, out-of-roundness and average thickness of CT;
  • informing an operator about critical defects and exceeding the permissible deviations of the measured parameters;
  • indicating dangerous changes of coiled tubing condition in time and decrease the risk of crashes;
  • accumulating results and displaying integral characteristics of CT.

Apparatus includes

  • sensor unit with integrated unit of signal processing (there are options for CT diameters from 30 to 45 mm);
  • device for anchoring of a sensor unit to CT unit;
  • emergency alarm unit;
  • laptop with technological software.

Basic advantages

  • folding design of sensor unit allows fixing and removing it without necessity of CT lifting and dismantling of injector;
  • high acceptable speed of CT motion (up to 0.8 m/s) allows providing inspection not affecting on technological operations;
  • high resolution of measurement (2mm) allows detecting defects at the early stage of their development;
  • usage non-contact method of measurement allows to reduce the number of wearing parts and prolong the life of the system;
  • low power consumption (~120W) allows you to power the system from an on-bort electrical power outlet of CT unit;
  • interface with measuring instrument of immersion depth of CT allows organizing integrated relation of measurement results to depth;
  • technological software allows displaying data of measurement in real-time on screen of laptop, changing operating modes of system and input commentaries according to estimation of defects;
  • opportunity of system adaptation to CT made from various alloys, can improve the accuracy of the measurements;
  • usage of vibration resistant laptop with extended temperature range allows placing it in operator's cab;
  • self-testing and automatic control of fixing integrity allows giving signal to operator in case of operation disturbance of system.


design of sensor unit:folding
principle of measurement:electromagnetic (non-contact)
diameter of coiled tubings, mm:from 30 to 45 ( one sensor unit for one diameter)
maximum thickness of coiled tubing wall, mm:up to 5
speed of coiled tubings trip, m/s:up to 0.8
acceptable steel grade of coiled tubings:ferromagnetic
measurement interval, mm:~2
the number of sensors:16
detectable defects:

internal, external buckles and cavities;
cross and inclined cracks with thickness 0.1 mm, length from 10 mm;
flaws with diameter from 1 mm
the number of sensors of external diameter measurement:4
range of out-of-roundness measurement, mm:from 0 to 3
accuracy of out-of-roundness measurement, mm :±0.2
frequency of measurement of average wall thickness, Hz:10
accuracy of measurement of average wall thickness, mm:±0.5
supply voltage from storage battery, V:24±4
power consumption of sensor unit, W :less than 60
power consumption of laptop, W:less than 60
range of sensor unit operating temperature, °C:from -40 to +50
dimensions of sensor unit, mm:340x300x260
weight of sensor unit, kg:less than 20
length of connecting cable from sensor unit to laptop, m:50
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